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COVID-19 & Summer Camp Updates

We are looking forward to welcoming you to Camp Kidston once again this summer! 


With the ever-evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, we recognize the importance of regular communication. This page will be updated monthly until the start of summer camp with the current information we have. 

Please know that you are always welcome to contact Camp Kidston directly if you are seeking additional information by emailing


Updated: 23/06/2021

May 2021 Update

With the changes in Nova Scotia’s COVID-19 situation over the past few weeks, we recognize the increasing worry of how COVID-19 could affect overnight summer camps in 2021.  The Government of Nova Scotia has not yet made a decision on operating overnight summer camps in Summer 2021.  Like many, we are hoping that public health measures will help Nova Scotia’s situation improve by the summer, while also striving to remain proactive and realistic.


At this time, we are still planning and preparing to run overnight camps this summer, with COVID-19 policies in place to safeguard the health and safety of our campers, families, and staff.  We know that a summer at camp would be of immense benefit to the well-being of our campers right now, which is why we are working hard to ensure that Kidston is ready to open as soon as it is safe to do so.

We are also continuing to consult with the Camping Association of Nova Scotia and PEI (CANSPEI), who have been working with the Government of Nova Scotia and Public Health to create provincial guidelines for the safe operation of overnight summer camps. 

Most importantly, we would like to reiterate that our commitment to registered/waitlisted campers and their families remains the same:

  • We will communicate any updates we receive regarding COVID-19 and overnight summer camps as soon as possible.

  • Should a camping session be cancelled due to COVID-19, all fees paid (including deposits) will be fully refunded.

If you are on a waitlist, please know that our waitlists continue to move and we will contact you as soon as a spot comes open. 


Should overnight summer camps not be able to operate in Summer 2021, we will be offering day camp options (within the Halifax/Dartmouth area) and additional family camping options at Kidston.

Thank you for sticking with us throughout this time of uncertainty – we are beyond grateful for the support we have received from our Kidston community throughout the past year.

If you have any questions, please reach out to  We are here to help!


June 2021 Update

Summer 2021, here we come!

Overnight summer camps are officially included in Nova Scotia's Reopening Plan under Phase 3!  The Government of Nova Scotia has also released official COVID-19 Return to Overnight Camp Guidelines, accessible at


Camp Kidston has finalized our operational plan detailing how we will meet all government requirements - it is available here.  This document covers important details including cohorts, daily activities and routines, and safety precautions that must be followed at camp.  It is subject to change as provincial guidelines and restrictions change.

Families who have registered campers for Kidston will receive important updates and reminders directly to their email.

We are thrilled to be welcoming campers back to Kidston soon - thank you for your on-going support throughout the past year!

If you have any questions, please reach out to  We are happy to help!


March/April 2021 Update

Our Executive Director and Board of Directors are continuing to plan for Summer 2021 and are actively working with the Camping Association of Nova Scotia and PEI (CANSPEI) and the Government of Nova Scotia to ensure that we can open safely.    

Quick updates:

  • Approval for the operation of overnight summer camps from the Government of Nova Scotia is still pending.

  • We are drafting a detailed operational plan in consultation with guidelines from CANSPEI and the Government of Nova Scotia to ensure that we are able to operate in the safest manner possible.

  • Our registration is nearing capacity, and some sessions are already waitlisted!  If a session you are interested in is waitlisted, please add your name to the list - we remain hopeful that we may be able to increase our capacity closer to the summer.

Thanks for sticking with us - we can’t wait to welcome campers and families back to Camp Kidston soon!



2021 Registration Update


Are you ready for Summer 2021? We sure are! 

Registration opens on February 25th at 8am. 

Due to a significant number of requests regarding summer registration and our limited capacity, we expect registration to fill more quickly than a typical year.


Here are some important things to know: 

  • Register here.  More information about camp sessions/dates can be found here.

  • A $50 deposit is required to secure your registration.  

  • We will be running a waitlist for every session in case we are able to increase our capacity and/or add sessions closer to the summer (pending Public Health guidelines).  

  • Should an overnight session not run due to COVID-19, all registration fees will be refunded.

A few important points regarding COVID-19:

  • At this time, to ensure that we can meet all current COVID-19 guidelines, we will be offering a limited number of sessions and spaces - registration for each session will open at half-capacity.

  • Similar to day camps, overnight camps will look slightly different this summer.  Most notably, campers will be grouped in smaller “cohorts” (groups) and will participate in all camp activities within their own cohort.  

  • We will be following all public health guidelines, including but not limited to: daily screening for symptoms, increased hand washing/hand sanitizing, masks and physical distancing when necessary, alternate drop-off/pick-up procedures, frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces and cleaning of shared equipment between uses. 

  • Additionally, at this time, only Nova Scotian residents can register for Summer 2021 programs. 

  • We will continue to share updates on Summer 2021 as we receive information from the Nova Scotia Government and the Camping Association of Nova Scotia and PEI.  This includes sharing our detailed operational plan, once approved by Public Health.  Registered families will receive all updates directly by email, and our updates can also be found on this page. 

  • We will also offer a family camping opportunity this summer, with registration opening later in the spring - stay tuned for more details!  

Questions?  Please email  We are here to help!

Save the date: Registration opens Feb. 25th!

Our Executive Director and Board of Directors are continuing to consult with both the Camping Association of Nova Scotia and PEI (CANSPEI) and the Government of Nova Scotia to ensure that we can open overnight summer camps safely.  As part of this process, we will be attending an important CANSPEI meeting on Feb. 18th.  Therefore, we have delayed our registration to ensure that we provide the most accurate and up-to-date information to our camp families. 

Here’s what we want you to know: 

  • Registration for overnight summer programs will open Feb. 25, 2021 at 8am - this includes Tadpole, Junior, Senior, and CIT sessions.

  • Our camp sessions, dates, and registration fee options can be found here.

  • At this time, to ensure that we can meet all current COVID-19 guidelines, we will be offering a limited number of sessions and spaces - registration for each session will open at half-capacity.  Due to the limited capacity, we expect spaces to fill quickly! 

  • We will also offer a family camping opportunity this summer, with registration opening later in the spring - stay tuned for more details!  

  • Further updates on Summer 2021 will be provided over the coming weeks - all COVID-19 related updates can be found on this page.

Thanks for sticking with us throughout the past year - we can’t wait to be back at Kidston soon! 

February 2021 Update

Our Executive Director and Board of Directors have been busy planning for Summer 2021 and are actively working with the Camping Association of Nova Scotia and PEI (CANSPEI) and the Government of Nova Scotia to ensure that we can open safely.    

What we know so far:

  • Pending approval by the Government of Nova Scotia, we will offer overnight summer camps this summer.

  • At this time, to ensure that we can meet all current COVID-19 guidelines, we will be offering a limited number of sessions and spaces. As we know, the COVID-19 situation changes over time, and therefore we may be able to offer additional sessions or spaces as we get closer to the summer.

  • Further details on registration and Summer 2021 sessions will be provided in the coming weeks and will be updated frequently over the coming months. 

  • Should an overnight summer camp session not run due to COVID-19, we will offer full refunds of registration fees.


What we’ve already done:

We have many volunteers, Board Members, and staff working behind the scenes to ensure that we are ready for 2021.  We have:

  • Upgraded the First Aid room (including the addition of a sink for handwashing, a new cot, and more).

  • Added a new First Aid-designated washroom adjacent to the First Aid room. 

  • Reviewed and updated policies and procedures regarding communicable illness, health and safety, kitchen operations, and hygiene.

  • Completed a thorough de-cluttering of our facilities to allow for more efficient and regular deep-cleaning of program areas.


We can’t wait to welcome campers and families back to Camp Kidston soon!



During  camp

(902) 384-2296

7429 Moose River Rd.

Click here for directions


Camp Kidston

PO Box 48011, Mill Cove PO

Bedford, NS B4A 3Z2


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Owned & Operated by the United Church of Canada since 1966

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© 2020 by Camp Kidston.


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